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Freebies! (and who doesn't love those? :))
We like to gift things to people. It makes you feel and and it makes us feel good too! Choose one or more of the gifts below as our way of thanking you for signing up for our occasional newsletter.
Soaring with your Angels Meditation MP3 (binaural instrumental)
Emerging Lightworker's Spiritual First Aid Kit
E-book for spiritual assistance when you need it fast. -
Violet Flame Guided Meditation MP3 (binaural)
Releasing Vows of Poverty, Silence & Obedience binaural MP3. Especially for Ancient & Old Souls who need to release these past life vows that are still part of their energy field and psyche.
MP3 bundle + Emerging Lightworker's Spiritual First Aid Kit
Energy healing & blessings for your animal friends E-mail us with the name & breed & location of your fuzzy friend and we'll send distance healing for free. No catch. No Strings. We just love & bless all life forms. :)

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