Free Gift! Weight Management - Guided Imagery MP3 (binaural)
Do you . . .
have difficulties managing your weight?
find you have little "will power?'
find you often sabotage your weight loos efforts?
have a hard time saying "NO" when offered sweets?
Are you . . .
feeling like you'll never be able to get to your ideal weight?
feeling like a part of you is resisting losing weight?
feeling like maybe a part of you needs the excess weight?
What if . . .
you could listen to a guided imagery meditation specifically for helping you
clear the obstacles you have to weight loss ? -
this meditation didn't need your "will power" to work?
that meditation could also help you say 'NO' when needed?
the meditation was binaural to ensure that you reached a deep theta state of meditation?
My free gift to you, a 55 minute MP3 of original binaural meditation music, Weight Management Guided Imagery Meditation, that induces theta waves can do that and more. Theta brain waves are indicative of the deepest state of meditation. This deep state easily connects you to the highest energies.
Especially for those who feel a part of them doesn't want to lose weight, for those who feel they fight with themselves over food choices, and for those who feel they subconsciously sabotage any weight loss efforts they attempt. This is for you and will help all the different parts of you get on the same page about weight management!
No strings attached. Just enter your name and e-mail in the form below then you’ll receive a link to the download page in your e-mail. And please, DO NOT listen to this MP3 while driving! Theta waves induce a very deep meditative state.