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Free Gift! MP3 Binaural Meditation Music
Do you . . .
have trouble meditating?
have difficulty connecting to the higher energies?
have problems concentrating?
Are you . . .
having trouble focusing during meditation?
having trouble allowing your mind to rest?
What if . . .
you could listen to an MP3 that would make meditation easy?
you could listen to an MP3 while writing or doing other creative things to help solidify your connection to the higher energies while you work?
a simple MP3 could help you do all of these things and more?
You could get started on your book, focus on your Divine Story, plug in to the Divine Energies for your creative projects and get them out into the world.
My free gift to you, a 30 minute MP3 of original binaural meditation music, Soaring with your Angels, that induces theta waves can do that and more. Theta brain waves are indicative of the deepest state of meditation. This deep state easily connects you to the highest angelic energies.
No strings attached. Just enter your name and e-mail in the form below, then you’ll receive a link to the download page in your email. And please, DO NOT listen to this MP3 while driving! Theta waves induce a very deep meditative state.
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